Land of the brave
Monday, November 21, 2011
Justinian in Roger Fitch Esq
Justinian in Roger Fitch Esq
Former general counsel of the CIA under
investigation over drone attack "murder" remark ... War crimes don't
need a war (apparently) ... Novel offences likely to remain on the books ...
Ideological Republican circuit judges flout the Supreme Court ... Our Man in
Washington reports
from the humanitarian aspects, it is well known that, under excruciating
torture, a prisoner will admit almost any suggested crime. Such confessions
are, of course, not admissible in trials in civilized nations... Some of our
leaders have found that it is easy to forgo human rights for those who are
considered to be subhuman, or 'enemy combatants'."
Jimmy Carter, the last American
president moderately attached to human rights

The Supreme Court is back in action and has granted
certiorari in the cases testing Mr Obama's health care legislation.
In Congress, Democrats doubtful about Democracy have
joined Republicans rejecting the Republic and support language in the National
Defence Authorization Bill that requires
indefinite military detention.
Anyone claimed to have some connection with the Taliban,
Al-Qaida or "associated forces" is
at risk, even a citizen living in the US.
Over at Langley, the CIA is investigating its former
general counsel John Rizzo for his remarks in a Newsweek article.
In my March 21
post I reported how Mr Rizzo openly talked about the "murder"
being carried out by CIA drone attacks. Now he's in trouble,
not for running a murder program, but talking about it.
Out on the 2012 presidential hustings, Republican
aspirants naturally support assassinations, but several nostalgically
cling to torture.
Republicans already in office around the country are busy
passing new voting laws making
it harder for five million suspected Democrats to vote in 2012 - that's
more than the margin in two of the last three presidential elections.
* *

Incredibly, the Obama administration chose a severely
tortured prisoner for the guinea pig.
Now portrayed as the mastermind of the bombing of the USS
Cole in Yemen in 2000, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was merely an
"unindicted co-conspirator" when two
other USS Cole bombers were indicted in New York in May
Although Nashiri was in US custody in 2003, he wasn't
produced in New York as the CIA was busy torturing him in Thailand and/or
Poland, perhaps to learn the whereabouts of the others - and get a
Polish prosecutors began an investigation of Nashiri's
detention in Poland and accorded him "victim" status, but someone
has nobbled the case.
Allegedly, there's a document signed by Poland's former
prime minister regulating the CIA prison and describing
what to do "if a dead body of one of the persons held there should appear".
Remote telecasts of the Guantánamo proceedings were
allowed, with a 40-second delay to shield "sensitive information."

is charged with various offences, none of them nice, but all save one
unknown to the law of war.
As I
reported on May 21, these "war crimes" didn't even occur during a
war, and the charges describe only one actual war crime, perfidy:
"Abd al
Rahim Hussayn Muhammad al Nashiri, an alien unprivileged enemy belligerent
subject to trial by military commission, did, in or around Aden, Yemen, on or
about 12 October 2000, in the context of and associated with hostilities, in
violation of the law of war, to wit: by committing an act of perfidy, said act
of perfidy being two men dressing in civilian clothing, waving at the
crewmembers onboard USS COLE (DDG 67), and operating and detonating an
explosives-laden civilian boat alongside a United States naval vessel,
intentionally and unlawfully kill ... 17 persons."
It's hard to see how Nashiri can be a belligerent,
unprivileged or otherwise; there were no hostilities in Yemen in 2000 that would
make his deeds a violation of the law of war. And perfidy, though a war crime, requires
more than waving.
Nashiri's case has been adjourned, with the defendant
sagely selecting
a trial date after the US elections.
* *

That will be far easier now, thanks to a new
opinion by Janice Rogers Brown that aggressively flouts the Supreme Court
and Boumediene.
Judge Brown is a partisan Republican
ideologue whose appointment to the DC Circuit was battled by Democrats
for two years.
Her latest decision in the Latif case requires
that district court judges hearing Guantánamo habeas cases always
accord a presumption of regularity to government intelligence reports.
The decision worried Lawfare and
the Times,
while Emptywheel
was alarmed at Latif's implications for Congressional
military detentions.
Not satisfied with ignoring the Boumediene case
in every Guantánamo habeas appeal, DC Circuit panels with right-wing
majorities are cancelling
oral arguments altogether.
No need to confuse them with facts and arguments.
It demonstrates the surprising capacity of lower courts
to circumvent
and subvert Supreme Court precedent.
* *
The military commission of Salim Hamdan is on appeal
in the DC Circuit, where Hamdan - now back in Yemen -is appealing his
conviction for "material Support", recently upheld by the Court of
Military Commission Review (see
my June post).
Mr Obama hasn't succeeded in filling the three
vacancies on the DC Circuit, so there's a good chance Hamdan's appeal
will be assigned to Republican activists.
They're still a majority on the circuit and strongly
attached to presidential power during real or rhetorical (terror) wars.
Unfortunately, the other CMCR decision upholding a novel
war crime, that of Ali Hamza Al-Bahlul for "conspiracy" (see my October post),
could escape judicial scrutiny because Al Bahlul is refusing to
authorise an appeal.
That would leave conspiracy on the books as a war crime
even though a plurality of the Supreme Court specifically rejected it in Hamdan.